Can you change? Harder as you age. Why? How do you break free?
Read moreNotes to myself
Speed and Trajectory
I have plenty of people in my community who I’ve mentored. Some have been in the country for only 4-5 years and are miles ahead of you. Why?Are they smarter or better than you? No.They’re simply operating on a different OS. You’re not going to get from here to there downloading mental apps. You need…
Read moreAll this work’n…
Work’n on this, that, the business, and stuff. How much time are you investing in working on yourself?
Read moreYears of Experience?
Years of Experience? Irrelevant. Tell me about the Hours of Experience. What is the total hours, concentrated hours, of experience?
Read moreSerious Reset
Over my life, my days, where I put my energy. I need a serious serious reset. Nobody knows the pressures of a CEO. How much I’m stretched. How many different things are pulling me in different directions in a single hour, in a single moment? At the end of the day, I have completed nothing. …
Read moreEnjoy the work.
You will learn to enjoy the thing you need to do. All games are enjoyable. It’s on you to learn the game, and find enjoyment in it. Your work
Read moreConfidence or Courage?
Of course, courage all day long. Courage enables you to move forward. With courage, you develop experience. With experience, you build confidence. Courage comes before confidence.
Read moreSome of you have a spark
That fire within. That deserves to be flames. Sometimes ignited, sometimes fueled. It deserves to be alive, consuming, and raging, until it is within control, a consistent controlled burning.
Read moreClients with Baggage. We love them.
What is a perfect week?
DIETS Seven days of eating healthy. Lunch provides high protein, chicken breast, tuna, or boiled eggs. Super healthy grain bread and perhaps an avocado for extra fat. Dinners begin no later than 6 pm, starting with a large salad, followed by lean meat and a very small portion of healthy carbs. WORKOUTS Strong, stable, and…
Read moreExecutive Mentor
My company doesn’t need me doing 75% of the things I currently do. What my company needs is for me to grow to the next level of leadership. To do that most effectively and speedily, I need to surround myself with leaders I can respect, admire, look up to, and follow. I need to do…
Read moreYou, The Who?
Who are You? Who are you most pissed off at? You, the Weak.You, the Pathetic.You, the Mediocre. Who are you? You, the Conqueror.You, the Focused.You, the Disciplined. Ay You! The weak, pathetic, and mediocre! Whose love do you crave?Whose judgement do you fear?Who is the master you serve?! The love of Self, the Focused!The judgement…
Read moreWho’s talking about family?
FAMILY LIFE: Oh, how a good one amplifies success!
Read moreThe Cost of Dreams
Small dreams cost a little. Big dreams cost the same. Why do we pay so much in life to have little dreams,When we can have big dreams that pay dividends?
Read moreFlashiness and Slickness
The goal is to solve the problem, not to be sexy or flashy or slick. If solving the problem requires it, then so be it. But if it doesn’t, then don’t make it your priority. What is the problem? What is the most effective and efficient way to solve the problem? What is the problem…
Read moreAs vs Bs & Cs
A small team of A Players can run circles around a massive team of B and C Players. Can you think dialectically? (from YYZ to SFO)
Read moreDetachment
I need to keep a healthy distance from my generals and soldiers. (from YYZ to SFO)
Read moreFocus
Focus. The word I avoid looking at. It’s my Achilles Heel. I can do anything, but only if I focus. My days and weeks get devoured by unfocused activities. Not nearly enough water and sun are devoted to my seeds of greatness. Opportunities floundered. This is the thing I must master. Relentless, simplified: focus. (from…
Read moreProblems = Opportunities
Calmness and composure. Going into 45, this is what must be mastered. Solving problems is the work. Without problems, there’s no work. Problems = opportunity to solve = work = value = money. Repeat over and over again. (from YYZ to SFO)
Read moreClass > Money
I’d rather be poor and have class, than rich and without class.
Read moreMy issue with your enlightenment:
So you did (another) hero dose of psychedelics. 👍👍👍 Good for you, buddy. And how long will you hold on to your newfound enlightenment before you need another dose? As if the wise sages in the past needed deprivation tanks, shamans, energy healing, micro and macro dosing. For fucks sakes. Get over yourself. Grow up. Mature. …
Read moreWhat You Signal
In Life There are unintentional signs you signal to others.When it is unintentional, you can bet that it’s not to your advantage.For oponents who can read the signals and signs, it’s similar to them reading you like a simple book. A book on how to influence you. For the kind in heart, this makes no…
Read moreOn Compliance
To multiply yourself, you need a team that complies. Compliance requires you to establish a system with checks and balances, along with a reporting mechanism. Assess compliance and improve the system based on the evaluated performance. This cycle (create > evaluate > iterate) continues. With each cycle, the goal is to achieve higher compliance. Ultimately,…
Read moreMWGA
Read morePet Peeve: Out-of-Touch Leaders
You know one of my pet peeves? Something that really pisses me off? When people in positions of authority and power become disconnected from the community they serve, they become clueless about the feelings of the ordinary person. This happens in government. We see it a lot lately in Canadian politics. It also occurs in…
Read moreDo Epic Things
Epicness, not for this: It’s basic to think that doing some epic shit is a great way to grab attention and increase standing in your social hierarchy. This true. Doing epic shit can give you the fame and admiration your weak little soul may yearn. And with one step in this direction, you’ll have started…
Read moreAlgorithmic Addiction (pt 2)
Just a little. Only a couple minutes. Telltale signs of addiction. When you’re on autopilot. When your hands and feet move effortlessly, gracefully, into the fire you know will burn. How little control we have when our controls get stuck on autopilot. Who amongst us is above addiction? Who amongst us above the highly trained…
Read moreDecision Journey
The journey from weak to strong to enlightened. Indecision Decisive Indifference
Read moreHow to Write
1. Write. Write jibberish. Write stupidity. Write your feelings. Then, write why your feelings are dumb. Write why you love someone. Then, write all the things you hate about someone. Write why liberals are stupid. Then, write why conservatives are dumb. Write about racism, prejudice, and social justice. Then, write why you can’t stand certain…
Read more90-year old’s regrets
What are some things you’ll regret? You’re 90 years old. What are you happy you did? What would you have done if you could have a retry at life?
Read moreMilitary Hat 🪖
When I’m wearing my military general hat, my Captain’s hat… I love it. I love the clarity.I love the absolution.Structure.Precision.Focus.Pointed and with purpose. Yes, this is an extreme version of me. And while I wear this hat and live through this uniform, I am intense. Those who don’t know me, understandably mistake me for being…
Read moreWants, and other questions
What don’t you want? This is equally, if not more important, than what you want. But be careful not to not-want things that are good for you. For example, suffering. And what about those you love? What do they (think they) want? In what domains and categories are you willing to help others achieve their…
Read moreIdeas: Small? Big? Massive?
Are your ideas small? Why aren’t they massive? Your ideas, what’s the endgame?
Read moreA young lady’s charm.
At some point in a young lady’s childhood, she learns that she can get far using her charm, her wit and her beauty. There comes a point in her adult life when her charm, wit, and beauty do not suffice. What else does she have to offer? She better have the grit. The might, discipline,…
Read moreNew day. New life.
Every morning is an opportunity for a new life. This gets forgotten, often, especially when the night ends in drink and smoke. This is karma. Waking up in debt for decisions of yesterday. Not careful; this can replicate in weeks, months, and years, setting you so far back that no time available to you is…
Read moreThe Descent of a Soul: A Journey Through Temptation and Reflection
In many ways, bad ways, I have devolved. Weaknesses have run amok. Coasting. Eating away the good fortune created yesterday.Stealing goodwill from tomorrow. Where is my soul? Like being trapped by a black hole. Being pulled. I see the disasters, and rather than change trajectory, rather than fly back the opposite way, I flow like the river into…
Read moreExpectations for leaders
Want more money?Want to think and perform like a leader?What is your current thinking like?What is your current behaviour like? How fragile are you?How much of your thoughts and actions are unchecked? Are you easily disturbed?Do you easily break? Would you follow someone like you? What are the qualities you believe a leader should exhibit? How…
Read moreDoing well.
We have a responsibility to build a business that not only supports but goes above the basics. Mother birds “In measuring out rewards, wise rulers act like mother birds. While seeing into every corner; they are unobtrusive. While protecting the people, they do not control them.“ excerpt from Chapter 10, Tao Te Ching
Read moreGod! Help me from the screen!
The screen!!! Beware the screen!!! You need a morning mantra. By your bedside. Evening mantra, by the mantra. You need God.
Read moreLOL. Your Looping.
Lol. You’re looping. Same shit, every week. You need to be yourself. Your level of intensity. But different from before. Yes, you can live with your people. But more important, you must lead them. First, you must lead yourself. What a joke. You’re cycling. Looping. Week after week. What are your expectations? You love _______….
Read moreI pretend to be a philosopher.
Find your happy place — one place at a time. Both physical and mental. I pretend to be a philosopher.
Read moreStop Judging
Stop judging. Stop complaining. Stop judging. Stop complaining. Stop judging. Stop complaining. Winners find solutions. Losers complain. Be a winner. The enlightened accept and love. The unconscious complain. Be enlightened. Stop judging. Stop complaining. People are attracted to the light. Be enlightened. People feel weighted by your complaints. Stop complaining. Judgemental people are weak. Those…
Read moreThe Game
I am obsessed with the Game. I love the Game. I prefer playing the Game more than any other activity. I love obsessing over the Game, more than thinking about anything else. What is the Game? People call it different things. People keep track of the score in their own, infinitely unique way. Success is…
Read moreThrough Detachment
Only through true detachment, can I think clear. Through true detachment, my feelings are no longer blown by the winds of the external.
Read moreBe a white blood cell
If you had an option, to be a healthy white blood cell or cancer, you would pick healthy. The same goes for healthy vs dying or decaying. The answer is clear. The behaviour is simple: focus on serving, fixing, and building. That’s what healthy cells do. Doesn’t matter how you feel or what you think,…
Read moreWhat ruins a community
Having qualms about a member of your community, sharing your qualms with others, but not having the guts to talk to the person directly. This plants seeds of resentment in your own heart, and seeds of doubt and dislike in the hearts of the listener. Some of those doubts and disenchantment are of the person…
Read moreSurrender
Allow this moment to be as it is. Allow = surrender. To what? God. The Universe Perfection.
Read moreA few notes from Subtle Art of Not Giving a F
What is the value that you hold so dear? What is the (made up) metric that you measure the progress towards that value? Problems may be inevitable, but their meanings don’t need to be. Our values determine the metrics by which we measure others and ourselves. If you want to change how you see your…
Read moreLetting go of people
There is a lack of talent. This is great news for us. Email to myself: Dec 25, 2021, 9:13 AM Why? Whatever the challenge, if it’s market, social, industry, or whatever challenge that other orgs and people face as well, not isolated to PD or a PD member… This is great news. Why?
Read moreTwo types of knowledge
When reading and studying, consider, there are two types of knowledge. OS Upgrades App Downloads Sure, sometimes you need to download an app in your brain. Some new technique, skill, or process. But to see real massive strides forward, go for books and knowledge that upgrade your OS. Just like in real life, most Apps…
Read moreSo much fury. So much fire.
So much fury. So much fire. Feel low feel sad, when the fire tire.
Read moreBusiness as usual
You’re all good. We’re all good. From your core to the gross warm yellow liquid that gets flushed out. We’re absolutely perfect through and through. Business, however, requires not perfection, but specificity. It’s in these specificities that we sometimes are trapped in, and sometimes need releasing.
Read moreGetting out of a funk in 2021 Q4
Notes taken whilst listening to a Queen. Fri, Oct 29, 2021, 10:21 PM I want to feel understood and understood. Fri, Oct 29, 2021, 10:23 PM I don’t need other people to understand me, of I’m willing to understand myself. Fri, Oct 29, 2021, 10:25 PM To ___: 1. I’m so glad I talked with…
Read moreProtected: Getting out of a Funk
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Read moreChildren = Increase in Love Meter
Before children Pain Pleasure After children PAIN PLEASURE
Read moreHappenings
9:31 am // A few questions participants should ask. How do you define attack? How do you define defence? What is the relationship between claiming what is and asking what is? How do you stop the spread of suffering? What behaviours amplify and spread suffering? What is Truth if two or more parties witnessing an…
Read moreHealth check. Are you clear?
Clear. Clarity. Clear in your decisions. Clarity in your decisions.
Read moreStop
Essentialism Stop trying to help everyone. Help only ten that will help ten. Too many projects on the go. We can only close so many projects at the same time. Initiatives: Beachhead Firing too many cannons in too many directions. I don’t want to be like N____l S_____y. Spread too thin. Behaving erratically. I must…
Read moreIntense few weeks
Below are my unfiltered thoughts to myself. Thought I’d share. I’m either a commander, a captain, a ruler, or a commando. When I am a commando, everything seems to be too slow, an obstacle to overcome, an enemy to slice. Nothing is good enough. Things are not good enough. People are not good enough. I…
Read moreNoise before the defeat
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before the defeat” – Sun Tzu
Read moreWarriors
It’s easier to find a warrior and train him to be a gentleman, than finding a coward and training him to be a warrior.
Read moreBeing your best
Get the best out of you. Would you like to: strive to be your best? The majority of people will never once feel the euphoria of being at one’s best. This is not because of any lack of desire. It is that to be at your best, you require an ideal environment and strong systems….
Read moreNo more templates, only frameworks
No more templates, only frameworks!
Read moreShine as bright as possible
Want this, because the universe wants it. The universe is never wrong. We miss the mark. All else is less right, than is to honour the universe by shining as bright as it wants, through you.
Read moreArtist >< Accountant ?
Great creative minds think like artists and work like accountants. ( Ignore inspiration. Do the work. )
Read moreDon’t be an “HNR”
Q: What is an HNR? A: Human Network Router Q: What does that mean? A: It means you’re literally moving information from one place to another. You cease to be creative. You are reactionary. Your time is mostly spent in emails, instant messaging apps, and social media. Don’t. Be a person. Live life.
Read moreWhat is an executive but a well tuned decision-making engine
Why you cannot easily automate an executive…
Read moreOpinions
Let’s have less of them. Fewer, but better in quality. Q: What is a quality opinion? A: One that has been thought through, and as close as possible to fact and far as possible from bias.
Read moreConfidence & Competence
Confidence > Competence (massive failure) Confidence < Competence (massive underachievement) Confidence = Competence (Accurate progress) Confidence seesaw. Meek vs arrogant.
Read moreGoddess Fortune
Fortune is a picky and fickle Goddess She gives love to men who are prone to act. Don’t get too comfortable with her praise and love. She is known to switch lovers with no warning, leaving men naked and empty, worse off than when they started.
Read moreWeak-kneed Governments
Our governments are weak-kneed when it comes to the rich, and bullies when dealing with the poor. Look at any courtroom and see how the rich are treated, and those that cannot afford expensive representation. Look around and see how policies are influenced, and by which groups. See how harsh punishments are to the poor….
Read moreMy weaknesses, for the record
I drive like a maniac, is what some people would say. You can say, I’m in denial of this. For good reason. I believe I’m in great control. I can sometimes fuck myself over by falling in love with a person and being unfair to myself, or worse, the mission. I sometimes lose my patience…
Read moreHuman Capital, wasted
There’s an incredible waste of resources in the world. One of the biggest, is human intellectual capital. Leaders must learn to tap into the explosive power of team. So many people are bored at work. So many people are unengaged. Which leaders are willing to do what it takes to reap the rewards?
Read moreFast, reckless, slow, careful
Move fast, move recklessly. Move careful, move slow. Can you move fast and careful (with precision)? Many cannot. Yes, you can. Also know, how you move will communicate. Sometimes the truth, sometimes fiction. Move fast and with precision. Let it be magical, and fiction.
Read moreGenerational wealth. All or nothing.
Basically all or nothing. If not this generation, tough luck, the next generation can try. And repeat.
Read moreOf course I love video games.
Of course, I love video games. As well as other forms of getting drunk, high, and out of this world. But some forms of pleasure are much more dangerous than others. For example, take working-out in comparison to playing video games. One opens the lungs, blood vessels, and the mind. The other takes us into…
Read moreI don’t need permission
To be the best leader I can be. Neither do you. I used to think I needed permission to be my best. I’m reminded of the following: Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness That most…
Read moreHitchens, and becoming a drunk
Was well respected, but clearly a drunk. Do I need to drink to be my best? He died young. Perhaps he maximized his value through alcohol. Perhaps he short-lived his potential. Remember Bill Gates. This trip has brought out, created a drunk in me. Remember: you can achieve such nights of euphoria through meditation, exercise,…
Read moreEverybody has a story
Everybody has a magical fantastic story. Everybody. No exception. For some, it’s a sad story. For others, a story of triumph. Regardless of theme, everyone has an unbelievable interesting story worth hearing. Organizations are no different. They have a beginning, a middle, an end. And even a resurrection. We fall in love with these stories….
Read moreHappiness is in short supply and high demand.
Be happy. Spread happiness.
Read moreTrain now to navigate later
Navigating the world and yourself is incredibly difficult and so you better start training immediately.
Read moreImitation
Imitate Why do what someone else is doing or being, when we are all One, anyway. You are him and he is you. Now be you, uniquely You. Open yourself to the UniVerse. Let it move you freely, ungrudgingly. MESSAGE TO J_____: A message to myself. Perhaps relevant in your life when you admire others…
Read moreCelebrate miskates
Celebrate miskates
Read moreLose your identity
Lose your identity. This is the way. This is the opening to all things possible.
Read moreOnly one
There is one mission. No other missions. Raise I+C high enough to reach Escape Velocity. There is one war. Fight against those that intentionally or unintentionally decrease I+C. There is one war. All other conflicts are battles. Some matter. Most do not. Winning can be measured. Individuals. Families. Communities. The world. Strategies not accounting for…
Read moreI must stop working on stuff
And be the CEO, Leader, and Mentor only I can be. This is the reality that is me. Stop working. Let it go.
Read moreThe power of saying no
People respect those who can stand their ground, say no, not beat around the bush. People respect those that can plainly, simply, and directly, say NO. [ I’m an oddball leader who likes to test by trial by fire ] I had a young intern. I encouraged him to shoplift something to test his resolve…
Read moreLeadership, thoughts on what it takes
What is it to be a leader at PD? You study hard. Hard like your life depends on it. Because it does. You are decisive. Not wish-washy, uncommitted. You continuously raise your own standards and those around you. You win. And when you lose, you lose magnificently, pushing hard to the very end. You know…
Read moreYou seek a lose/lose scenario
If your insults and condemnations regarding my nature and character are true, then our father’s investment in me was in vain. And such a thing brings dishonour and shame to his house. If your comments are untrue, your behaviour is one of a Liar. Such actions bring dishonour and shame to his house. Only a…
Read moreMTP – Solving Problems
Solving major problems. Hypothesis: When more people are empowered through knowledge, they should be able to solve the major challenges. Why it won’t work: Because people may have the right knowledge, but they may not have the discipline, courage, or economic freedom to apply the information. Improved hypothesis: When the right people Right people =…
Read moreStories
2014-06-26 Don’t underestimate the power of stories. This whole world runs on stories. We sell based on stories. We buy based on the stories we believe. Your value, tell a story. Your ‘differentiation’ tells a story. It’s simple. You must craft your story as well as the company’s. Not having a story is profoundly underrated….
Read moreBuy time
Buying Time The number one reason you need to get better at leadership. It’s not about the company. It’s about every area of your life. When you get good at leadership, you can multiple your time. When you understand business and money, you’ll have more money to trade for time. Time = freedom. You can…
Read moreSeek problems
Be a problem seeker. Most people avoid problems. Solving problems require us to see and understand the problems. Solving problems is all about delivering value. The value returned to us manifests in a change in numbers in your bank account. More value delivered and problems solve = more money. More money = greater available options….
Read moreI don’t get tired
My body does. My brain does. But I don’t. Body tired? 10 push-ups Mm Ind tired? 10 min nap
Read moreWe are bugs. One organism.
Growth needs to be slow if we are to maintain our culture. We do not risk damaging our culture, and hiring quickly is a major risk to our organism.
Read moreEmbrace the virtual!
Enjoy! Be a character. Make it fun. Be silly. Be crazy. Be wild. So as long as the information gets through, do your thing! May 8, 2020, 5:29 pm + Update
Read moreWe’re episodic!
Every week, the same thing. An awkward start. A failed attempt. A heated argument. Resolution. Quality delivery. EOW appreciations!
Read moreMany stories to tell
How wild is it that we live one life but many stories. Depending on how we view our past, we can become heroes, villains, victims, and even just useless bistandards. Different ways to tell my story include: A love story Fatherhood The immigrant experience Shitty jobs to CEO A dreamer An artist A builder A…
Read moreJoys unimaginable
Within reach Family – Toronto, probably stoned.
Read moreWho’s number one?
I’m a warm person, not a cold person. I take pride in the niceties of civil behaviour. The simple things like warm smiles, warm hellos, kind gestures. I want our kids to be raised to be warm, not cold. How we react/respond to their questions, requests, and needs will impact how they grow up. We’re…
Read moreHow do you answer: What are your weaknesses?
Read moreWrite
Write. Say nothing. Write. Say nothing.
Read moreAsserting Reality
Like many other posts, and email to myself. This one dated 8:21am, Feb 6, 2020. — Written and posted on April 28th, 2020, at 8:40am What’s more to say? A lot perhaps. Reality is fluid. Reality is much more grand than we perceive. Reality is impossible to experience fully by any one creature or organism….
Read moreInteracting with people comes with a risk, another song maybe?
Every time you speak to another person, you are at risk. Risk of what? Oh so many things. Risk of talking too much talking too little interpreting incorrectly interpreting correctly, and wishing you didn’t acting like a fool saying things you regret miscommunicating creating a new frienemy creating a new enemy sowing doubt, anger, hostility…
Read morePersonalized Prison Sentences
Wait, what? First off – we need to ask ourselves as a society a very simple but important question. Depending on the answer, our approach to incarceration, jail, prisons, the justice system, the penal system, and every thing courts, juries, defenders and prosecutors may need to change. So what’s the question? See below: What do…
Read moreDesire to live through your children
Okay. Good. So what? When is this not healthy? Probably when your interests and desires outweigh or contradict your child’s. – I love my children so fuck’n much. I could never have imagined joy and love like this. THROUGH my children. Through my children I live on. Through my children I learn to be a…
Read moreIt’s tough living in the future
Waiting for others to catch up. Knowing you’ll be dead long before the rest does catch up.
Read moreSperm boy! You won the race agains trillions. What’s next?
This life. It’s only a reenactment of the life of a sperm. Will we evolve? How can we even imagine such a thing? Imagine telling a little bitty sperm what an apple tastes like. Or the pleasure of taking a deep breath in a cool spring morning. It’s impossible. And so is explaining enlightenment to…
Read moreBi cycle
Make more mistakes, but but the same mistake twice. Study harder. Study harder. Study harder.
Read moreThere is no reason why you can’t be beautiful
But to be congruent, this is a more difficult goal, one that requires honest observation of who you are and are not, and what you do and do not represent. There is no reason why you can’t be beautiful.
Read morePSME – Happiness
PS is where happiness is. Through S can you become fulfilled. There is an opposite correlation between financial wealth and happiness. Homo Deus. Page 33. The Order P: Physical S: Spiritual M: Mental E: Emotional
Read moreWhat’s the state of your washrooms?
I don’t care how beautiful your consumer facing facade is, it’s what’s on the inside that [often] counts. Most brands care a little too much about what their external audience thinks and not enough what their internal teams think. A big stickler for me is washrooms. Way too often they are deliver a horrible experience….
Read moreOnly one game in town: Happiness
There are many definitions of success. In today’s cynical and constantly complaining society – there’s only one question to ask, and that is: Are you happy? You got one life. ONE. Not two. Not four. ONE. It’s fucking surprising how many people forget this fact. Or bury it deep down. Back to happiness. It’s amazing…
Read moreBased on first principles
What is success? What is wealth? What is freedom, vs financial freedom? How does one accumulate wealth? What is ___________, based on first principles?
Read moreWeak and faulty. That’s what I am.
We, and especially I, am weak and faulty. My performance is heavily influenced by my environment and conditions. I need strict structure. Without it, I will never realize my potential.
Read moreThe Courage To Be Disliked, a song
I’d like to create a song. Sorta like a children’s sing-along song. One on the importance of not giving a fuck, and being okay to be disliked. Something fun, cheeky, but also critical. Cast of people the song can refer to include Jesus, Galileo, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Perhaps even a few non-people like…
Read moreTrips
I get it when I’m in the world whole. I just need to remember when I’m out. Meditate on the messages you receive Don’t take them lightly. – Vietnam, 4:51 am
Read moreOMG. The best women are the warrior women.
Yes. Conquer me. Then let’s go and conquer the world. Mother, I Love you. I promise, 2020, I’ll show you more love, through strength. – Vietnam, 4:49am
Read moreKindness
Popping balloons in Saigon, 2020 the year of Kindness. I got it. But now I really get it. It takes unbelievable strength, courage, and power to be kind, especially to those who are not, but need it the most. Kindness is one of the answers. Love. – Vietnam, 4:28am
Read moreUnderworld
We go into the depths of the underworld to seek answers to complicated questions, not just recreation. Kindness. Love. We only have one life. We must seek kindness. And acceptance. 3:44 am Our annual summer getaway was originally inspired by a mushroom trip. Let’s not pretend it was anything other than a trip creating new…
Read moreComplicated
Sex, life, death, marriage, kids, community, duty. The whole thing is so complicated. Perhaps this is why we need direction, purpose. – Vietnam, unedited
Read moreMen, and the West
The West is pushing hard for men to be more feminine. Cool. But other countries (our enemies) that look to devour us, are not feminine. They are not fair, equitable, beautiful, and complicated. They are masculine. Fierce. Dominating. Looking to devour its prey. Let’s not forget. For centuries, men were the protectors of women and…
Read moreI’m the leader in so many instances
Am I, I am. Finding compliance to validate my disorders. Compliance -> tribe of like-minded, disordered people… Am I the ring leader of the disorder, or the seeker and seer of truth? We have only one life to live. 12:57 am Truth or my truth? Reality, or my desired reality? 12:58 am – Vietnam, unedited
Read moreBrain readings, pt 2
Look into: [ ] Receptor Modulation [ ] Receptor up and down Regulation [ ] Trigger -> Behavior -> Reward [ ] Dependent Origination, the Bhudha [ ] Ruminate vs perseverate – activating Default node network Part 1 – Vietnam
Read moreCoincidences (and droogs)
My life is filled with coincidences. Time slowing down. This is what I need. Chronos. Katana Zero. Slow down time. This is. Is it? I see to be awake. How can I test myself? 12:21 am No. I can’t be rational. My risk level is off the charts. I seem, and feel like in control….
Read moreMaster reality
Mastering reality. Mastering reality. Mastering reality. Mastering reality. Bending reality. Bending reality. Bending reality. Bending reality. Making reality. Making reality. Making reality. Making reality. The Grand Ho Tram Strip Ven Biển, Phước Thuận, Xuyên Mộc, Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu, Vietnam Dec 25, 2019, 11:58 PM,
Read moreThe more I consume
A break is needed. The more I consume, the emptier I feel. Food. Drugs. Alcohol. Women. Eat, eat, eat. Emptiness. Refrain is needed. I’m hollowing out. – Vietnam
Read moreTrading, for what?
We’re always trading. Trading time, friends, experience, and so on. But for what? How often are our trades making us richer? Not often. North American culture of consumerism, individualism, and atheism is what is being sold. Sold to us in trade for what? In trade for minimalism, essentialism, and wealth? Individualism at the exchange of…
Read moreThe greatest gift…
The greatest gift you can give to the world, is that be a great father. Don’t overthink this. – Vietnam
Read moreThe multiplication of marriage
We are individuals. As a team, we can do more and further. Barack and Michelle Jay-Z and Beyoncé Kanye and Kim Will and Jada Victoria and David Bill and Hillary Khalid and Lannie
Read moreLooking for peace
Just working through life like the rest of us, looking for answers, admittingly with biases. We need to lay down some basic assumptions and rules. We’re good people looking for truth. There’s never a need to insult or resort the ad hominems. When one does, we will forgive. Why? Because we know that only lack…
Read moreCorporate Leadership is the last stronghold
In an ever morally decaying and intellectual downsizing of humanity. Who else is there left to lead? With the exception of the few, the noble, the anomalies: Governments and their politicians are concerned with elections, unable to think or exercise initiatives further out then 3-4 years ahead when our troubling times need steadfast progress over…
Read moreThe Cult Elephant in the Room
Are we becoming cult-like? Yes and no. We must be careful. We must be inclusive of different people and ideas, while maintaining and adhering to our core values. We must know the difference between cult and not. Cults require blind Faith. Healthy organizations consist of curious people who question and engage in healthy conflict. From…
Read moreShut up and listen
Too many kids, “la bla bla”. Bot enough people listening, reading, learning.
Read moreCareer Politicians
The president is a tool. Anyone or group who controls the king, controls the nation. Control the king of worlds, control the worlds. Career politicians outlast presidents, rulers, kings, and emperors. Beware of career politicians, those who are behind the scene. How can you beware of something you do not see? Be on the lookout,…
Read moreUnderworlds
You must be able to navigate The Underworlds.
Read moreEmail to me: Sometimes you need to make a declaration…
The following is an email I sent myself May 8, 2018, 5:13 PM. Suffice to say, I was going through some fucked up shit at the time. Needed some heavy soldier talk with myself. Start your day with a WIN+. Tomorrow morning, at 5am. You will wake up and do the following. Hit the gym…
Read moreGreat power
Uncle Ben said, “Peter, with great power comes great responsibility.” True. But you know is truer? With great responsibilities, come great power. Choose to take on more. Choose to be responsible for more. Choose to be a leader, a motivator, a champion of goodness. The greater your responsibilities, the more power the universe will give…
Read moreBe okay with getting shed, and shedding friends
We will grow apart. This is a non-negotiable reality. If you’re working hard, studying, learning, and growing – there’s a very high likelihood that you have friends that are not keeping up with you. This is normal, especially when you’re young. Or perhaps, you have a friend or two that’s really pushing themselves, and you…
Read moreTo say we want diversity is a half truth
We want diversity only if it is profitable. Profitable being defined as something that is good for us. What use is diversity if it negatively impacts ones culture, one’s organism? We call that a virus, which can lead to an eventual mutation of the organism. Diverse thoughts and thoughts that lead to a degradation of…
Read moreNot about me
It’s not about me. It’s about the mission. Whenever you’re nervous, anxious, fearful – it is because you forgotten that it is not about you. It never was. It will never be.
Read moreShortcomings in choosing your next J.O.B.
A mentor once said to me at a wee young age, “Khalid, you know what ‘job’ stands for, right? Just over broke.” I understood it as not making much money. In fact, it was one (only one) of the reasons why I ventured out to start my own business. Who’d want to be just over…
Read moreMoney is not a goal, but a result
This needs to permeate through our organization, and our clients’. How do we build and create excellence in our clients’ branding, marketing, operations, process, culture?
Read moreCulture Shield
Thoughts running through my mind: Protection. Shield. Empire. Careful entries. Undocumented immigrants. Virus. Infection. Mutation. Assimilation. It’s naive to underestimate the damage that can be caused to culture by not guarding and protecting it. Would you not guard your castle, empire, city, state against invaders designed to wipe you out – cease your existence? How…
Read moreGardening Relationships
Relationships are like a garden of people. Each person, a flower or weed. Your time in them equates to water, sunshine, and fertilizer. You must choose carefully which flowers you want to grow and strengthen, and which you want to starve, let whittle, and die.
Read moreThe shift
Shifting gears from the animal brain, to the the alien brain. How to do this on command? Fuck’n amygdala. The size of an almond. Has so much control over us, highjacks our neocortex on a regular…
Read moreFail fast
How can we learn fast, if we are not failing fast enough? We cannot, based on the understanding of nature. By avoiding micro failures, we position ourselves for the black swan failure…
Read moreFor me to retire…
For me to retire as CEO, I need to replace myself, and in order to do that, I first need to become the CEO that PD deserves…
Read moreReading to Inoculate
Read. It protects you. You don’t know what’s coming for you. You cannot foresee the future. You have no idea what piece of knowledge or wisdom you will need to equip you to tackle the future Dragon awaiting you. You think life is easy? Do you think life will cut you a break? — “In…
Read moreObsessed with Death
Yeah, I’m obsessed with death. By consciously being obsessed with death, I free my subconscious self from being obsessed with death. Do you not think your soul, your cells, your whole body knows it is in the process of decay, and that death awaits us all? It is the first thing your body is aware…
Read morePursue the pain
Pain. Go where pain exists. That is where growth exist. Pursue the pain. Follow it. Chase it. Continue to conquer each little pain demon, one at a time. But do not wait idle, lax, thinking that demons and dragons don’t exist. Just because you don’t see them now, doesn’t mean they’re not waiting for you…
Read moreDear Father
Dear Khalid: What do you love and cherish about your childhood? What do you value, respect, and want to preserve from your childhood? — Yes. Life is nothing. Yes. We’re all going to die. Yes. My whole life, whether another year or fifty, is a minuscule moment in the universe’s grander timeline. But what, out…
Read moreWhen I die
Dear Mother: if you’ve outlived me, I know it’s tragic to outlive your child. I cringe in fear at the thought of anything happening to Philo or Sophie. But such is life. A few things to consider. I’ve lived long and I have prospered. I’ve achieved so many of my dreams, more than most people…
Read moreI don’t like myself.
I don’t like myself sometimes. It’s when I’m not living to my potential. Who am I?
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