What You Signal

In Life

There are unintentional signs you signal to others.
When it is unintentional, you can bet that it’s not to your advantage.
For oponents who can read the signals and signs, it’s similar to them reading you like a simple book.

A book on how to influence you.

For the kind in heart, this makes no difference. The reader may take pity on you.

For the opportunist, the book you give is an instructional guide on how to coerce, manipulate, and deceive you.

In Business

Some get very good at reading clues, signs, and signals better than others. This is skill is strengthened by exposure and experience, and certain natural abilities.

Imagine you are under-skilled to go up against a master sales person with 10,000 hours of practice in the game. How do you think you will fare off?

Imagine a client who’s negotiated with hundreds of vendors, clocked in thousands of hours, and knows how to squeeze you in more ways than you can ever imagine. How do you think you will fare off?

There is no good or bad. The point here is not about morality or ethics. It’s about the strategies and tactics that are played in life’s many games.

And you?

How equipped are you to negotiate your next salary raise?
How well can you defend and promote your service as premium and desired?
What are healthy signs to signal, vs unprofitable and self-sabotaging signs?
How well can you listen, ask questions, and draw the information you need to provide a premium solution?