Do Epic Things

Epicness, not for this:

It’s basic to think that doing some epic shit is a great way to grab attention and increase standing in your social hierarchy. This true. Doing epic shit can give you the fame and admiration your weak little soul may yearn. And with one step in this direction, you’ll have started your journey into misery. See, there’s never enough praise and admiration for the empty soul. One epic shit leads to another stupid shit. And with each advance forward, you’re an ounce, then a pound more empty. 

No. This is not why you do Epic shit. 

See, like so much in life, the pursuit must be noble. The Why must be sound. And it is unsound and downright juvenile to do epic shit for the attention of others. 


You do Epic shit for You. 

And when you do Epic shit for yourself, you catch a glimpse of something beautiful, something remarkable: Self-worth.


You think highly of yourself. This is especially the case when you do epic shit, and others don’t know. Just you. Little old you. That’s all the people who know. You, your Maker, and the Universe.

A funny thing happens.

A cosmic connection, some type of intergalactic magical inside joke. You walk with a strut. Your back seems a little stronger, and your feet a little lighter. Sure, someone might find out your epic shit later in life. And when they do, you jokingly think to yourself, “Gosh, you’re late to the party!” And when the person praises you for the epic thing they just found out you did, you think to yourself, “This little thing? I’ve done more than you can imagine.”

There are many ways to achieve epicness in life.

And when you’ve banked enough epic shit, you can live happily and die fulfilled knowing: YOUR LIFE? IT WAS EPIC.

Epic shit need not cost money or be difficult.

You only need a few ingredients. I’ll tell you what they are:

  1. The desire to do something epic.
  2. The courage/stupidity to start.
  3. The commitment to complete. 

Epic shit comes in infinite forms. I’ll give you a few examples:

  1. Running a marathon
  2. Fasting for two days straight 
  3. Working out like a madman
  4. Giving a big amount to charity 
  5. Working fucking hard
  6. Defending the weak and disenfranchised 
  7. Having wild sex (use your imagination)
  8. Getting stupid drunk
  9. Staying sober for a ridiculously long time 
  10. Going all in
  11. Walking away 
  12. Doing something you’re afraid of like public speaking or stand-up comedy 
  13. Serving a greater cause
  14. Wholeheartedly placing your trust in another person or team
  15. Making the tough choices and the bug sacrifices for another person or team

If you were to do one or two epic things a year, in 10 years you’d have lived an epic life. And the best part about it wouldn’t be the adventures, accolades, or accomplishments. The best part would be who you become. 

You become Epic.