
Algorithmic Addiction (pt 1)

Things are going to get weird here.  The world is fucked up.  But it is also beautiful.  — Don’t blame the algorithms for humanity’s natural instinct and desire to be attracted to darkness.  No.  Know.  Social media represents man’s true nature. Our current nature.  And when we get better, so will social media. Just as…

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WARNING: Your mobile phone…

An idea I had for my Pixel 2 phone case… Warning. The overuse of this tool will result in the following: Loss of productivity, increased irritability and distractibility, addiction, serious changes to the brains reward centre, decreased ability to remember, lower quality conversations, decrease in quality of sleep, and nomophobia. In recent studies, participants that…

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What The Matrix got wrong about our future

What The Matrix got wrong about our future

What is reality? The question what is reality has been studied and discussed for millennia. Despite of our attempts to understand reality through meditation, prayer, philosophy or science, there is still no clear answer. One thing’s for sure: We’re living in a Matrix of sorts. We take in over 400 billion bits of information per…

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