Use Gmail shortcuts

Not using Gmail shortcuts? Shame on you.

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t use gmail. Once I found out about gmail shortcuts, my process-obsessed mind made it a priority to learn and implement. Everyone on my team is required to learn and use, at minimum, the basics.

They are:

? show all shortcuts
c compose new email
n compose new email in new tab
c + Shift compose new email in new browser
r reply
a reply-all
f forward
# delete email
! report spam
g then i go to inbox
g then d go to drafts
g then c go to contacts

For a full list of shortcuts, press “?”

All you have to do is press “?” and you’ll get a full list of shortcuts, right inside your  browser. Pretty awesome, eh?!

All gmail shortcuts

How come my keyboard shortcuts are not working?

Before you can use these keyboard shortcuts, you’ll need to enable keyboard shortcuts in your settings:

  1. Click the  gear in the top right and select Settings.
  2. Find the “Keyboard shortcuts” section and select Keyboard shortcuts on.
  3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

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