The secret to a really nice website is a combination of three things.
- Great photography, preferably in that bullshit parallax effect
- Beautiful typography
- And cute iconography.
Bonus: Instagram your photos.
That’s it.
Keep in mind: Just because your site ‘looks nice’ doesn’t mean it will be effective. Great looks without strategy is useless.
The secret to a really nice website is a combination of three things.
- Having as much shit as possible, above the fold.
- Contact forms, and CTAs
- Start your brand name with an “i”
Bonus: Have a ridiculously large footer with 10,000 links.
That’s it.
Keep in mind: Just because your site is filled with marketing steroids, doesn’t mean it will be effective. CTAs and contact forms without strategy is useless.
The secret to a really nice website is a combination of three things.
- A sick-ass Flash intro.
- A flash navigation that does cool tricks
- Two-toned logo with a reflection
Bonus: Forget flash intros and navs – make the entire bloody site as one flash animation.
That’s it.
Keep in mind: Just because your site is in “Flash” doesn’t mean it will be effective. Funky flash animations without strategy is useless.
The secret to a really nice website is a combination of three things.
- Have a website
- Put shit on your website
- Add your phone number on the website
Bonus: Use a different color other than blue for your links.
That’s it.
Keep in mind: Just because you have a website, doesn’t mean it will be effective. A website without strategy is useless.