If you’re like me, you have a lot on your plate and sometimes you are guilty for neglecting to have those conversations with yourself. Leaving things to figure themselves out is a recipe for future misery. Feelings of uncertainty, frustration, and even anxiety are waiting a few feet away.
Reminder system
Here’s what I do to quickly get myself out of a potential emotional slump.
Aside from my religious use of Lift, my daily habit tracker (see post here), I have two documents saved in Google Drive that are my life savers when I feel like I’m drowning. I call this, my reminder system. It reminds me that life is not as bad as I feel.
The first is my “Daily Affirmations“. Every morning and evening I read this out loud. It helps me stay focused, reminds me of my priorities in life, and ensures I’m practicing being grateful.
The other Google Doc is called “Stories and Quotes“. I read this when I’m tired, beaten up, and enroute to feeling miserable. This document is filled with stories and quotes from great minds like Martin Luther King and Anthony Robbins to Eckhart Tolle and the Dhali lama. Anyone of any significance has had to overcome adversity and hardship. If they can do it, so can we.
Life happens. HavingĀ SOP systems in place to help manage and regulate the messy areas of life increases overall focus, productivity, and happiness.