Contrary to the saying, you can’t have your cake and eat it – I very much believe that eating your cake is not just possible, but necessary.
Happiness: At the end of the day – isn’t that what we truly want?
I’ve achieved my most important goals in life, and look forward to achieving more. I am the founder and CEO of an awesome creative agency. I work with my wife full time – and we don’t want to kill each other (most of the time), – in fact, we’re passionately in love. I have an awesome little guy (born 2011) who loves kung-fu, Angry Birds, and pizza. I have a healthy and intimate relationship with my partners, staff, and clients. Both my company and I are debt free. Transparency, integrity, process, and due-diligence is at the core of our agency. Our mission: To help the good-guys.
Life was not always this amazing. Through hard work, dedication, finding the right mentors – I’ve been able to help my family, get out of the ghettos, build successful brands, and find true-love.
I don’t say this to impress you,
but to impress upon you that you can indeed have your cake and eat it.
But it starts with being at peace.
One of my goals is to teach as many people as possible how to be happy. Demonstrate that simplicity and hard work are the keys to happiness. Simplicity is everywhere, and so is the opportunity to work hard.
So. I live frugally. I hardly eat out. I have an old busted mini-van (whom I adore). And I live in a basement while renting the top portion of my house. Living frugally seems to be working, as I am both healthy and happy. Happiness for me is about the pursuit, the journey, and the simplicity of life.
I sometimes joke with friends, that when I have millions of dollars (fingers crossed) my dream car will be a Toyota Corolla. Haha. You think I’m kidding. I’ll buy 12 of them in different colours and year-models. I’d form a posse and parade around town. Haha. It’s all about the simplicity, eh?
Five scientifically proven ways to create more happiness.
- Practice gratitude
- Do good deeds for others
- Enjoy exercise
- Love with yourself
- Work hard
So what does this have to do with cake?
When I was younger, I had much loftier goals about being a zillionaire, living in luxury, and being adored by millions. Sure, I still have financial goals, creative pursuits, dreams, fantasies, and desires. But my cake is none of those things. My cake is happiness. The rest are icing, sprinkles, and some cherries on top. I can live without them, so as long as I’m eating happiness.
Ironically, once I chose to be grateful and happy, I also started to achieve my bigger goals. Learning to choose to be happy and at peace brings a certain clarity.
You can learn more about my professional life on LinkedIn, my hooligan persona on Facebook, and my passion for capturing life on Instagram.
Disclaimer: I appreciate that there are those in the world that lack food, shelter and clothing. Those who are marginalized, neglected, and abused. This post is dedicated to me, and those who have food, shelter, and clothing. I’m in no position to offer advice to those who have so little. I can only offer my time, and my self.